EBIT 2024


 JUNE 6 – 7

  Download Location - White Location Icon With Transparent Background PNG Image with No Background - VILNIUS GRAND RESORT





EBIT 2024




 JUNE 6 – 7

  Download Location - White Location Icon With Transparent Background PNG Image with No Background - VILNIUS GRAND RESORT




Mo Gawdat

Prominent figure in AI, ex Chief Business Officer of Google |X| (‘the moonshot factory’), Chief AI Officer of Flight Story.

Being Google |X| Chief Business Officer, Mo lived at the cutting edge of technology. After more than 30 years of seeing the most secret behind the scenes of the development of artificial intelligence, Mo will invite you to delve into the questions that are usually kept silent and unspoken (?!)

Prof. Ian Goldin

Former Vice President of the World Bank, Principal Economist at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in London, Professor of Globalisation and Development at the University of Oxford

Whether we’re seized by Gutenberg or Zuckerberg; the discovery of the Americas or the rise of China; copperplate or silicon etching; the spread of syphilis or the COVID-19 pandemic— we live in a Renaissance, then and now. Luckily, it is not too late to learn the lessons of the first renaissance… but we need to hurry…

Prof. Olivier Sibony

Professor of Strategy at prestigious HEC Paris Business School and Saïd Business School in Oxford University, co-author of bestseller “Noise”

Good managers – even great ones – can make incredibly bad decisions. Research shows that 80% of the effectiveness of business decisions cannot be explained by intelligence or competence. Knowing everything that’s possible, you still won’t make perfect decisions.

Dr. Elke Geraerts

Neuroscientist, psychologist, fellow researcher at HARVARD, ST. ANDREWS, MAASTRICHT, and ROTTERDAM universities

Leadership in a stress-laden world: a neuroscientific perspective on relationships and leadership in the modern organization, be it in the context of family, business, or government…

Ari Wallach

Futurist and social systems strategist, the founder of Longpath Labs and Synthesis Corp, consulting US State Department and United Nations, others

I’m sure everyone at some point has done an off-site with a lot of Post-It notes and whiteboards, and you do a long-term plan, and then two weeks later, everyone forgets about it, focusing on today‘s challenges. How could leaders get everyone to think about the long-term, but also have short-term results?

Jamie Susskind

Twentieth-century politics was defined by a debate about how much human activity should be determined by the state, and what should be left to market forces and civil society. In this century, a new question is coming to the fore: to what extent should our lives be directed by powerful digital systems, and on what terms?

Dr. Megan Reitz

Authority on psychological safety and empowering employees to speak truth to power, professor of Ashridge Executive Education, Hult Business School, named among the Top 50 Management Thinkers in the world in 2023, Thinkers50

„I want you to tell it as it is,” „don’t beat around the bush” – familiar? How many of your employees don’t want, fear (…) to tell you the truth? Statistics are not on the manager’s side.

Gianpiero Petriglieri

Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour at INSEAD, listed among the Top 50 Management Thinkers in the world by Thinkers50

We spend a big chunk of our lives at work and yet for most people in most places work sucks. Business do not need humanities, people do.

Ken Hughes

CX Strategist and Consumer Behavior Expert

Love is a verb: Exploring the essence of relationships and connections with employees and customers

Ken seamlessly blends his understanding of consumer behavior with cyber psychology, digital anthropology, behavioral economics, and retail futurology to elucidate the needs of today’s buyer and anticipate future changes. Recognized as the all-time best speaker at Google EMEA HQ.


H A P P I N E S S  +  A R T I F I C I A L   I N T E L L I G E N C E



Prominent figure in AI, ex Chief Business Officer of Google |X| (‘the moonshot factory’), Chief AI Officer of Flight Story.


Being Google |X| Chief Business Officer, Mo lived at the cutting edge of technology. After more than 30 years of seeing the most secret behind the scenes of the development of artificial intelligence, Mo will invite you to delve into the questions that are usually kept silent and unspoken (?!)

Floating Item
N a v i g a t i n g   O u r   S e c o n d   R e n a i s s a n c e


Prof. Ian

Former Vice President of the World Bank, Principal Economist at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in London, Professor of Globalisation and Development at the University of Oxford

Whether we’re seized by Gutenberg or Zuckerberg; the discovery of the Americas or the rise of China; copperplate or silicon etching; the spread of syphilis or the COVID-19 pandemic— we live in a Renaissance, then and now. Luckily, it is not too late to learn the lessons of the first renaissance… but we need to hurry…

Floating Item
q u a l i t y   o f   s t r a t e g i c   t h i n k i n g


Prof. Olivier

Professor of Strategy at prestigious HEC Paris Business School and Saïd Business School in Oxford University, co-author of bestseller “Noise”

Good managers – even great ones – can make incredibly bad decisions. Research shows that 80% of the effectiveness of business decisions cannot be explained by intelligence or competence. Knowing everything that’s possible, you still won’t make perfect decisions.

b e t t e r   m i n d s   i n   b u s i n e s s


Dr. Elke

Neuroscientist, psychologist, fellow researcher at HARVARD, ST. ANDREWS, MAASTRICHT, and ROTTERDAM universities

Leadership in a stress-laden world: a neuroscientific perspective on relationships and leadership in the modern organization, be it in the context of family, business, or government…

s h o r t – t e r m i s m   i s   k i l l i n g   u s



Futurist and social systems strategist, the founder of Longpath Labs and Synthesis Corp, consulting US State Department and United Nations, others

I’m sure everyone at some point has done an off-site with a lot of Post-It notes and whiteboards, and you do a long-term plan, and then two weeks later, everyone forgets about it, focusing on today‘s challenges. How could leaders get everyone to think about the long-term, but also have short-term results?

F U T U R E   O F   P O L I T I C S   A N D   F R E E D O M



Twentieth-century politics was defined by a debate about how much human activity should be determined by the state, and what should be left to market forces and civil society. In this century, a new question is coming to the fore: to what extent should our lives be directed by powerful digital systems, and on what terms?

„Susskind has established himself as one of the foremost thinkers on the transformative impact of the technology revolution

Tony Blair, UK Prime Minister (1997 – 2007)

Floating Item
l e a d e r s h i p :   t e c h n o c r a t   o r   h u m a n i s t



Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour at INSEAD, listed among the Top 50 Management Thinkers in the world by Thinkers50

We spend a big chunk of our lives at work and yet for most people in most places work sucks. Business do not need humanities, people do.

S p e a k i n g   t r u t h   t o   p o w e r


Dr. Megan

Authority on psychological safety and empowering employees to speak truth to power, professor of Ashridge Executive Education, Hult Business School, named among the Top 50 Management Thinkers in the world in 2023, Thinkers50

„I want you to tell it as it is,” „don’t beat around the bush” – familiar? How many of your employees don’t want, fear (…) to tell you the truth? Statistics are not on the manager’s side.

Floating Item
C O N S U M E R   &   C Y B E R   B E H A V I O U R



CX Strategist and Consumer Behavior Expert

Love is a verb: Exploring the essence of relationships and connections with employees and customers

Ken seamlessly blends his understanding of consumer behavior with cyber psychology, digital anthropology, behavioral economics, and retail futurology to elucidate the needs of today’s buyer and anticipate future changes. Recognized as the all-time best speaker at Google EMEA HQ.

Floating Item

Business summit

Business summit

The management conference EBIT could become a Think Tank of the business elite.

Testimonial Item

Robertas Dargis

EIKA owener, exPresident LPK

So many insights into where our world is headed.

Testimonial Item

Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen

Speaker of the Parlament

A unique opportunity to exercise your brain with other people's fantastic ideas.

Testimonial Item

Edmundas Jakilaitis


There are no better conferences in Lithuania. I see what the organizers do and that high standard fascinates me.

Testimonial Item

Darius Mockus

President of MG GRUPĖ

EBIT is a mirror: what our society is like, what our leaders are like, how we know how to continue the polylogue.

Testimonial Item

Algirdas Kaušpėdas

Public figure, architect, leader of rock band "Antis"

The EBIT conference is a unique thing (...) to pause and see wider horizons - it's good that EBIT is trying to fill that.

Testimonial Item

Andrius Kubilius

Member of European Parlament

Dynamics, speed, lots of information and different people.

Testimonial Item

Aurelija Kazlauskienė


EBIT - a traditional gathering of the business community, followed by a motivational wave.

Testimonial Item

Dr. Arūnas Dulkys

Health Minister of the Republic of Lithuania

When I go to EBIT, I always get more questions than answers, but maybe that's okay... it's a powerful force.

Testimonial Item

Vidmantas Janulevičius

Owener and CEO of BOD GROUP

This is a safe space for managers to talk not only about their achievements, but also about what excites or hurts them.

Testimonial Item

Lina Mieliauskienė

Author of the show "Invisible Leader's Side", change consultant

It's always better to learn and prepare for whatever life throws at you sooner rather than later. That's what EBIT is all about for me!!

Testimonial Item

Rūta Vainienė

Executive Director of the Association of Lithuanian Trading Companies

A great space for those who want to see more contexts beyond the domestic world, to discover more links and connections.

Testimonial Item

Paulius Avižinis

Director of OVC Consulting

Business summit

Since the very first summit, its organization has been based on partnership, rich ideas and universal goodwill. THANK YOU to everyone who creates the conference together and contributes to the success of the event every year!

Business summit

Since the very first summit, its organization has been based on partnership, rich ideas and universal goodwill. THANK YOU to everyone who creates the conference together and contributes to the success of the event every year!